Meet the weaver.
Fibercrafts have always been a pivotal part of my life. From watching my Grammy create the most beautiful quilts and knitted pieces in her sewing room, to learning basic crochet stitches from my mom, the world of fiber is a neverending source of inspiration.
In 2017, I had the opportunity to take a weaving class with Tom Jipson, and I was hooked. Floor loom weaving was suddenly approachable, and I began creating pillows, scarves, blankets, and more.
Thus was born Rooted & Rendered.
Here, we are rooted in tradition and fascinated by the process of rendering a single strand into the complexity of cloth. We provide textile goods for you and your home.
When I’m not weaving or sewing my woven cloth into bags or clothing, I’m running my brand design company over at Melody Fulone Design, exploring New England, or trying new foods.
Thank you for stopping by!